Natural Lore Practitioner Certification

Next Steps

Thank you for your interest in dynamic learning and joining us to deliver high quality cannabis care to the community.

Are we are good fit?

Integrity Agreement


Communication in and around is a collaborative process where ideas, inspirations and knowledge may be adopted or adapted by mutually aligned individuals and organisations for the benefit of the community as a whole system.

This includes all applications and potential fields for a sustainable and just society with an initial focus on health and well-being. We are all learning together, and your valuable skills and knowledge are appreciated and needed.

This is a living dynamic document and will evolve as we do, with the below a foundational platform that we can agree an alignment with and commitment to.

It is our commitment to create an opportunity for all involved in this new framework, regardless of position or length of service, to participate in redefining the true meaning of care, support, sustainability and collaboration to the best of our individual and collective abilities.

Together we abide in;

  •  An innate calling to participate in a new paradigm aligned to preserving the natural world and all that it contains and represents.
  • Ensuring those in our care feel safe, respected and assured that they are supported by a professional, ethical, integrated and compassionate team.
  • Understanding that true sustainability is a collaboration, open to organic change as new information arises and old patterns, beliefs and ideas fall away. The flow of true sustainability can have no ownership, control, competition or judgement but rather grows and evolves from dynamic learning fresh and new each day.
  • Relating to each other with respect and as equals and when any incidence of a difference of opinion or belief is evident to resolve with an open heart, open mind and a rational approach founded in deeper learning and understanding of and for the whole.
  • Respectfully acknowledging the rights, obligations and intentions of each individual or organisation in relation to work agreements, organisational structures, financial arrangements and other practical considerations as this system evolves and grows.
  • Assurance that all who contribute to this work are also supported and encouraged to utilise this opportunity to deepen individual practises and philosophies for greater conscious awareness, compassion and contribution to your own life and that of your family, community and the whole.

Investment, Sustainability, and Opportunities


This 12 Module Training Platform is founded on a multi-faceted sustainable model, designed for those already operating as, a health and wellness-oriented clinic or organisation. 


Your Investment

TIME – Depending on your availability, experience and background knowledge, this course can be completed in a minimum of 12 weeks or a maximum of 12 months. 

FINANCIAL - $1500 (Pay in Full or $250 per month) which is all-inclusive of the Course Content, and facilitated study sessions.

Natural Lore Practitioner Certification Application Form

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